Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Western Endeavour - Issue No.: 1119 Issue Date: 12 May, 2024

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The Eiffel tower gets a better look

Paris: One of Man's Most Beautiful Creations

As some of you may know, a couple of weeks ago my mum and sister arrived in Europe joined by my stepfather in Paris. Here is a recount of our daily activities in a city so filled with beauty that 5 days was barely enough to fit everything in! Of course that city is Paris and here is my experience...

SUN, 17/09: At 945am I took off on my plane to Paris arriving at approx. 11:15 at Paris-Orly Airport where a familiar looking man (Jeff) had been sitting, waiting patiently for my arrival. It is the strangest feeling in the world seeing a member of your family again after so long (8 months to be exact)..he appeared at first sight to be completely unchanged and as we began to talk I realised that that was because he hadn't changed. It's amazing thinking that so long apart could change nothing between two people. I know that I have changed dramatically, but seeing that the people closest to me hadn't was a very strange feeling! I was so excited to be heading back to the hotel where we would be meeting mum and Ash in a couple of hours. But the same thing happened...a very calm hug and hello, a very big realisation that none had really changed and then BANG starts the family holiday, complete with family sized servings of bickering, laughs and experiences. Something i hadnt been a part of for a long time. As exchange students we tend to see this stuff happen, but we are rarely an active part in it, merely spectators from unmarked sidelines. Let the holidaying begin!

MON, 18/09: The first day was pretty much just spent getting to know our local area. We realised very quickly just how expensive Paris really is ($8 easy for a coke) and then decided we would take a trip up to Sacra Coeur and Montmarte. The view from up on the hill of Montmarte was amazing! Unfortunately it was slightly hazy so visibility was down. From there we strolled through the streets soaking up the nightlife for a few hours and then made our way home where we all crashed.

TUES, 19/09: This morning we spent half the day trying to find a relatively cheap place for brekkie...that was of course until we realised 'relatively cheap' doesnt actually exist in Paris! Along our way we happened to stumble upon a massive metal triangle looking structure...some people like to call it the Eiffel Tower or something like that... In real life its rather breathtaking! The sheer size and look of indestructible strength combine to form a building that I stood in front of and looked at for about 10 mins merely wondering how on earth they managed to build it so long ago! Of course being the snap happy loser I am I took about 20 photos of relatively the same thing from relatively the same angle...can anyone say "Japanese foto!!!".

From there we jumped aboard a double decker roofless tour bus and rode through the streets of Paris seeing what it had to offer. The result...Pure beauty! We drove past a million buildings all as important as eachother and all whose names I've forgotten...except of course The Louvre, Notre Dame, Champs Elyseé(incl. L'Arc de Triomph) and The National Opera House.

We got off at Notre Dame and began our search for lunch which we found in a delightful little Japanese restaurant(I hadn't eaten Japanese since before I left so I was dying for it!!) This was followed by a stroll through the streets, a crépe and then more touring on the bus. We got off the bus near L'Arc de Triomph and made our way down one side of the famous Champs Elyseé (that would be...famous for shopping!) After shopping (window only of course daaaahhhh-ling) we decided that today was the day we would go to the Louvre to gaze upon the art of everyone who was anyone... But being typical Murphy's Lore we picked the day that the Louvre we did what anyone would do, jumped on a bus to LaFayette shopping mall...and shopped 'til we dropped (well until our eyes dropped from all the price tags!).

My sister and I at Moulin Rouge

Even Notre Dame gets a facelift

The parents and kids split for an afternoon and Ash and I decided to check out the Opera House. Well wasn't it just amazing!! I couldnt stop gaping at the interior beauty of it! They still have shows on there, but mainly ballet, opera is performed elsewhere.

WED, 20/09: First things first...straight back to the Louvre! Ms Lisa herself was small and unassuming and completely blocked from view by the hordes(spelling!) of people flocking there to gawk at her. It only took a couple of hours before we were all ready to collapse but not before we got to explore Napoleon's apartment, a definite highlight!

From there we decided we would go to the Trocádero for a better view of the Eiffel Tower. Again vision was made difficult by fog but aside from that the view was pretty awesome! In fact so awesome that we went back that night to view it by night. Absolutely breathtaking! We were treated to a talented bunch of breakdancers busking in front of the tower and the effect was great! entertainment in an amazing setting. *sigh* I really am too spoilt! And the highlight: At the strike of every hour after dark, for 10 minutes, fairy lights all over the eiffel tower are switched on and flash. This makes the tower look as though its sparkling. It was my favourite moment of the whole time away.

From there it was off to see the Moulin Rouge in all its night time beauty. Although a show was much too expensive(€150-dinner and show) just standing outside the place was so much fun! We then treated ourselves to a drink at an irish pub before going back to the hotel and crawling into bed.

THURS, 21/09: Today was the day we designated to taking a trip up the Eiffel Tower. And we couldn't have chosen a more perfect day weather wise. Joining a line of equally eager tourists we made our way up to the peak of the Tower. The view was...well if anyone who has seen it can think of a word to describe the view.. please leave me a comment because i cant think of one worthy enough. The whole of Paris and further was visible. Parks, building, rivers and monuments filled my field of view as I gaped at it all.

After getting over the excitement of it all we had a picnic lunch in the park (it was actually meant to be lunch in the place we bought the food until Jeff got kicked out by an evil frenchwoman for eating food not bought at the store!), but still, the park was peaceful and provided a gorgeous backdrop to a yummy lunch!

Then it was home to pack, cos the next day, early in the morning we were off to London. Leaving Jeff in Paris til a later flight home to Perth.

Keep your eyes peeled for photos soon and also my report on London!

Author: Georgia Beardman

Published: 9 October, 2006


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